Strength and Conditioning
3 rounds:
10 glute bridges
10 dips
10 decline pushups
3 rounds:
10 single leg squats
10 single leg deadlifts
10 situps
AMRAP 8 mins:
10 JJ to plank JJ
10 touch down squats
10 situps
Obstacle Bootcamp
Warm up – TBT
1- High knees
2- Butt kicks
3- Mountain Climbers
4 – Squats
Cardio – 45 Secs On 15 Secs OFF
1- Roll to burpee
2- Running up and down your Stairs (or Jump rope on spot)
3- Step ups (add weight for intensity)
4- Plank Tucks
5- Knee to elbow plank
5 Rounds
10 Bicep Curls (weight or bands)
12 Push ups
12 bent over Rows
15 Weighted Squats
12 Chest Flies
AB workouts –
50 Bicycle Crunches
40 Plank Jacks
30- V-ups or alternating
20- Legs Raises
10 – Supermans