Workout of the Day

Ready to get your daily fit on?

April 28

Strength and Conditioning

7 way hips

1 min at:
Travelling squats
Up down planks
Lunge and kick

Amrap 6 mins:
10 touch down squats
10 triangle pushups
10 burpees

Final countdown
100 lunges
90 JJ
80 squats
70 heal taps
60 bike crunches
50 side lunges total
40 calf raises
30 alt vups
20 touch down squats
10 JJ to plank JJ


Warm up- (5 Mins)
Hip Rotations/Circles
-Around the Worlds
-Arm circles
Knees to chest
Butt kicks

Cardio- 2 Mins ON 1 Min OFF ( 12 mins)

Step Ups or Knee thrusts
10 Jump Squats—> 20 MC
10 burpees —> 10 Plank up downs
30 shoulder taps. —> 10 Squats

8 Min Amrap

10 Renegade row push ups
12 weighted squats
16 Plank db pass
10 standing chest press shoulder drive

3 Rounds –
20 Squats
15 Push ups

Tbt Abs
